mFC Chosen for Health Enterprises Network VIP Program

The Health Enterprises Network (HEN) recently announced the companies chosen for its VIP program, and we’re pretty excited to be among them.

A little background for anyone who’s unfamiliar…HEN created the program to connect health-related, entrepreneurial companies like ours with established organizations and larger companies in the Greater Louisville area. Participants stand to benefit regardless of where they are today – for example, some might be in the early stages of fundraising, while others have already validated their concepts. At the moment, we’re one of about 30 companies, largely tech-focused, in the program.

For us, it’s a great opportunity to get acquainted with and learn from like-minded entrepreneurs who are also focused on improving the aging experience or care delivery overall. It also gives us exposure and access to some of the great minds at larger companies in the area, who can offer up advice on product development and might even have an interest in partnerships or business opportunities.

David Buschman, the big kahuna over at HEN, said the goal is to grow the program to 100 companies, which we think is definitely doable. Folks outside the city or aging care sector might not know, but Louisville is basically the place to be if you’re an aging care company, and we’re seeing more pop up all the time.

David also mentioned his personal experiences with his mom, who spent years in senior care facilities, as he talked about the type of companies the VIP program exists to benefit – those solving problems. David visited regularly but, like a lot of us, couldn’t be with his mom all the time.

There’s of plenty of research that shows how difficult social isolation can be for older people. David said a platform like myFamilyChannel can curb the effects the effects of isolation by helping seniors stay socially connected and entertained.

“The myFamilyChannel platform can keep someone engaged and active and thinking, and I think that would be invaluable,” he told us. “I’m a huge advocate for what SeniorGroup Studios are doing, and I think there’s such a need for it.”

We couldn’t agree more. Thanks for the support, David, and we’ll see you at the next VIP event. Let us know if we need to bring snacks.

About myFamilyChannel
myFamilyChannel was developed by SeniorGroup Studios, a healthcare technology firm based in Louisville, Kentucky. Led by CEO Todd Smith, SeniorGroup is a progressive team comprised of healthcare, technology and media professionals whose mission is to use technology to help improve the quality of life in senior living communities.

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